Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You gotta love basketball season! I don't know what it is about Arizona, but for some reason I think I am one of few who really enjoy basketball. Maybe Phoenix is a different story. After all, they do host the greatest point guard ever to play the game, Steve Nash.

This year has been a particularly awesome season because it marks my first opportunity to coach. It has always been a dream, but this year it became reality. While I am only assisting (a great program and head coach by the way), I look forward to the day I get my shot at the head position.

The team is definitely becoming a unit. Each day, we get a few steps faster, a little smarter, and find a new level of aggression on the court. Last Monday night, we learned a valuable lesson amidst a crazy game. Down by 3 with only 4 seconds left, our shooting guard took a long shot at the buzzer and banked it in (not to mention he got leveled in the process by the other team)! The only problem was that the official called the basket no good. The ball hadn't left his hands before the buzzer. What a major bummer for our team!!! I call this a valuable lesson, because moments like these build character for the next challenge. They mold you into a team that never gives in. A team that will do whatever it takes to win a game. Most people would call that defeat tragic. But I know that it will only fuel our boy's resolve into our next meeting with a tough opponent.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity, and I can't imagine my afternoon's without a bunch of crazy junior high boys. Who would of thought!?



Thursday, October 28, 2010

October in the Canyon

The best time of year to raft the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon has to be October! This is definitely a statement I never imagined I would be making. I never sat as a kid and thought to myself, "When I grow up, I want to be a paddle captain on the Colorado River." This is one thing about my job that I will never take for granted!

Time on the River is just different. It's slow, calm, intense, relaxing, scary, wild, fun, and new every trip. Last week, we rafted my first Prescott locals trip with our Crossfit gym. You can't replace a group like we took. They were great paddlers, workers, and just great people. We laughed every night around the campfire and made memories that will forever become a part of our trips through the Grand canyon. A big thanks to Joey, Christian, Chris, Ben, Jonathan, Jami, Carolina, and Bob for making it all happen. Also another shout out to Chris Holohan and Dan Thompson for their first ride in the back seat as paddle captains. Hope your next trip keeps the rubber side down, the people side up, and the Rez on the left!


Monday, October 25, 2010

The New Casa

Welcome to the new and improved Casa de Medlin! About a month ago, Jessica and I learned that we were being given the opportunity to move into a new home at camp. It was a bittersweet decision given that we had been living in our white trailer /redneck/trash/ghetto home for over 2 years. But we have quickly found the new pad to be more than we could have asked for. Great appliances and a guest bedroom make all the difference! I owe so much thanks to my family...Janet, Craig, Kent, and Angie for helping us get started. We did extreme home makeover/move in 4 days. It was a rush! But we couldn't have done it without family help.

Also a big shout out to Jim and Bobbie Kendrick who reccommended we take over their old home. Jim did some beautiful woodwork in the house and we are greatful for the chance to finish where they left off with the home remodel.

Come check it out if you get a chance. We would love to offer you a seat on our new or should I say "old school" glider on the new back padio. Listening to our miniature waterfall is quite relaxing. See you soon!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


(This is called a prowler. A sled we push around at Crossfit. Check out the link

About 7 weeks ago, Jessica and I dropped our membership at the YMCA and stepped into the world of Crossfit. Now I had heard of Crossfit before, but I had no idea just how much it would change my outlook on health and fitness.

Crossift is an organization that designed workouts for Navy Seals. The goal was to create the a fitness program to develop speed, agility, strength, endurance, and mental toughness. But the catch is that it had to take the least amount of time possible. This program had to take less than 30 minutes!

Years later, Crossfit has grown to become a successful organization that is increasing people's level of fitness around the world. Crossfit has planted instructors inside gyms all across the country to coach and teach their philosophy of fitness. And in my opinion, I have yet to find a better method!

Not only does Crossfit develop individual fitness, but it is taking strides in developing community, giving, and service. Last Saturday, I participated in my first gym-wide workout (which the entire organization of Crossfit participated in) called "The Fight Gone Bad." This was not only an extreme workout. It was an event in which all participants raised money for 3 charities....The Livestrong Foundation, The Wounded Warriors Foundation, and the Crossfit Foundation. Each of these foundations are actively changing lives for hurting people around the world. And in my opinion, this is the kind of gym that is worth being a part of. Not a gym filled with mirrors to promote self-consumption. But a gym filled with people working together for greater goals of fitness, community, and service!

Check it out!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mile High Football

Do you remember answering this question... "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
For most kids, we get answers like...Astronaut, Artist, Professional Football Player, Dancer, or Jedi Knight.
For me, I always dreamed of being a basketball coach. This year, I get my first opportunity to do the next best thing. I am a Middle School football coach! And I can think of few things beside Christ, family, camp, and friends that get me more excited and passionate. There's something about working with awkward, crazy, and un-fazed junior high boys that gets me excited. It reminds me of past days of the newness of athletics and the joy of team.
While I don't think Mile High Football is going change any lives this year, I do pray that these boys learn something more than just how to make a hit or run the football. I pray that they each find someone in their life who cares about them. That they learn that a one man team never got anything done. That it took an entire teams effort, encouragement, and enthusiasm to get through each game. That football points to one of God's greatest desires for all people. That we would be one team!

Monday, September 13, 2010

In the Name of the Father and the Son....

Weird how Christianity, at least for me, has always revolved around 2 Identities of God. God the father and Jesus. The 3rd part, however, has been put aside. The Holy Spirit isn't a popular topic to talk about in the American Church. I don't know if it just doesn't preach well with people or what, but it is rarely spoken of. Perhaps because of the label that is given with Christians who emphasize the Spirit like hyper-spiritualists of ultra charismatics. It seems as though most people are just afraid of the Holy Spirit because of the unknown. While churches across American preach every Sunday about God the Father and His son, Jesus, few are willing to venture into the less explained and experienced knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
If this is you right now, then I highly reccommend Francis Chan's latest book, Forgotten God. I have found it to be super challenging and a great reminder that Christ is alive in me. That it is to my advantage that Jesus died on the cross so that the Spirit could live in me. That the Spirit prays for me, convicts me, and leads me to repentance.
So the question is....What role does the Holy Spirit play in your life? Does it even have a role?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't Waste Your Life

So, with the summer camp season at an end, I have been enjoying catching up on some much needed reading. After all, without any school this semester, I have quite a bit of extra time on my hands. For the past week, I have been working my way through my first book written by John Piper. I have always had a great interest in Piper, but have never taken the time to see what God is doing in his life. I can tell you this...If this was the only work I ever had from Piper, I would say that it carries a message for us all to take extremely serious. DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE!

I think Piper sums up much of his argument with his comments below...

"You may not be sure that you want your life to make a difference. Maybe you don't care very much whether you make a lasting difference for the sake of something great. You just want people to like you. If people would just like being around you, you'd be satisfied. Or if you could just have a good job with a good wife, or husband, and a couple of good kids and a nice car and long weekends and a few good friends, a fun retirement, and a quick and easy death, and no hell. If you could have all that (even without God) you would be satisfied. That is a tragedy in the making. A wasted life." (pg. 45)

Sadly, when I look at how I spend my time, money, interests, thoughts, my dreams. I find that I am prone to spend it on much of the above. And the short of Piper's message in his book is that a pursuit of anything outside of bringing glory to God is a waste. It is a temporary satisfaction that is a distraction from who God has created us to be.

So my question for you and me is simply this.... What would it look like to live a life that wasn't a waste?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Me Too

So I was driving home from some contact work at Young Life tonight, and I ran into a friend. He's quite a bit older than me, but I have gotten to know him a little over the past year. You know how most conversations go when you haven't seen someone you know in awhile? Usually like, "Hey, how's it going?" Well, by the time I got got the first of those words out of my mouth, he was already shaking his head. Life wasn't good. Actually, life sucked... The next 30 minutes or so was just a roller coaster ride of ups and downs (with a lot more downs). It was so hard to listen to. Here is a man over twice my age that has hit rock bottom. He had everything he wanted, and then life caught up with him. Addictions from his past slowly took over, and one by one, the pieces of his life fell apart. So what do you say to something like that? What does a 23 year old kid say in times like these? I really felt like I wasn't supposed to say much at all, besides..."I'm here for you if need me" and "here's my number" and "is there anything I can do for you right now?" Well, there wasn't anything I could do at that moment, but I wonder if it helped at all for us to share that conversation. I wonder if he understood that I wasn't there listening with fingers pointed. In fact, when he talked about addiction and temptation, all I could think about were 2 words. Me Too. If there is anything to walk away with for me in that conversation it's that I have no advantage on him. You see, he believes in Jesus and does his best to follow, but he fails a lot too. And it would be real easy to say that I can't relate, but it wouldn't be true. I may not drink too much, buy drugs on the street, or find myself awake in jail, but the chance is always there. Flatirons Community Church in Colorado puts it like this.."we are all 5 minutes from screwing up our lives." This phrase means nobody perfect, nobody's beyond temptation, and nobody has any guarantees (at least on this earth). All it takes is one weak moment, one bad decision, one wrong step, and I'm right next to my friend. You see, as Christians I wish we'd hear a lot more "Me too's" and see a lot less fingers pointed. Because we are all in the same boat here on earth. We have a one-way ticket away from God, and if it wasn't for Jesus, then we couldn't get off that boat. Flatirons likes to say that the most common phrase we will hear in heaven is "me too." Why? Because when I stand beside someone on that day, I will turn to him and ask, "How did you get here." And the response is the same for everyone. "Well I screwed up my life and went my own way for awhile, but Jesus cut me a really good deal." And then he will look back at me with the same question in his eyes, and I will respond, "Me too."

So I'm praying for my friend tonight and am so thankful for the reminder that I haven't arrived anywhere. I'm just thankful that Jesus arrived in my place and gave me a free ride. Not one that gives me permission to do what I want, but freedom to walk as he walked.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 Years

Well, I have officially left the "honeymoon period of marriage." My friend, Will Heck, told me congratulations and sorry that the romance has ended. Will is hilarious and a great friend. 2 days ago, Jess and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary. And by celebrated, I really mean we congratulated each other at 10:30 pm when we climbed into bed and saw each other for the first time that day. It wasn't much of a party, but we have set a post-anniversary weekend for a few weeks down the road. God truly has done some amazing things in His story through Jess and I over the last few years. I can't imagine life without her! It would be boring.

On another note, life has just been busy lately. Jess is studying, nannying, Young Lifeing, Wild Lifeing (junior high), homeworking, teaching, and working on summer plans for UCYC. Wow, my wife is busy! Me on the other hand, loving life. I have had the most relaxing semester since I can't remember. I currently am taking my 1 final college course and will be graduating in early May. I am stoked! Let's just say it's a lot easierto enjoy ministry, work, and life in general without a full load of online courses to come home to every night.

Well, I'm looking forward to an amazing summer at UCYC in 2010. We just pre-registered over 4,700 kids for camp this morning! The goal is 5,000. It's going to be a wild ride! Stay tuned for more updates...


Monday, March 1, 2010


Who doesn't love a good party? So there is this church in Lafayette, Colorado that loves to party. And here's what I mean by that. Last week, Flatirons Community Church threw a party at church. And they called it Shine. Now if you read that then you are probably thinking to yourself..."Churches don't know how to party. A church party is nothing more than kool aid, always save branded cookies, and Christian Dance Dance Revolution." I mean who wants to go to a church party?

I do! Flatirons didn't just throw any party. It was a night to remember. Limos, red carpet, paparazzi, bumpin' music, games, tuxes, dresses, and so much more. Now here's the really cool part...Guess who was invited? You see, Flatirons has this really cool idea that Christians should do what the Bible says. And they teach Jesus and the Bible week after week. And guess what else...Jesus partied. In fact, I think he was the life of the party! And you know what Jesus had to say about parties. He said for us not to just invite our friends, but to go out and invite the fathless, the hurting, the widow, the homeless, the left out, the poor, and the outcasts. Flatirons would call them people in the margins. So who was invited to the party at Flatirons?

Answer: People with Disabilities from all over the Denver area. Hundreds poured into the church last week with smiles that many of us, including me, haven't seen in a long time. Flatirons threw a party for the outcasts of our time, and it wasn't just any party, it was a crazy night. So I encourage you to check out the link below, watch the Shine video, and listen to the sermon series called In the Margin. It will work on your heart! It did for me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Little Kids

So for the last few weekends, we have had 4th-6th graders at UCYC for winter camp. I love little kids! They are full of energy, life, excitement, curiosity, and just fun. Here are my top 5 kid camper moments from the past 2 weeks...

1. Watching a little boy drag a man-sized US Army bag (which he refused to let me touch) through the slush, mud, and snow all the way to his cabin and across the clean floor which quickly turned to a mud stained path.

2. Watching 230 kids standing on chairs singing Owl City and Miley!

3. Listening to a little girl explain to me why her dad is the smartest man in Phoenix. I guess that rules out my father-in-law, who was my vote. Shucks...

4. Super-Gluing Lindsey's (a 9 year old from Chandler) glasses back together, which were again snapped in half after a intense game of Dragon Dodge-Ball.

5. And reading the prayers of about 10 campers, from their quiet time books. Makes it all worth-while!

Little kids crack me up. I chose the picture of the girl on the bike because about a week ago, Jess and I were standing outside the Tweed's (my in-laws) house just enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon, when along rode 2 young girls on their bikes. The sisters stopped by our driveway and to say hey. Here's what I love. The big sister explains to us that she is riding her little sister's bike because she likes little bikes. Then the little sisters tells us how much she loves riding big bikes, so she sometimes rides her big sister's. This was funny, but then they took off and the little sister was having the hardest time keeping such a big bike upright. She was wobbling back and fourth like crazy and she just couldn't seem to keep her bike going 1 direction. This was the funniest thing to watch until she slowly began to head right into our Honda Accord. It was like she was destined to hit our car, which was parked along the sidewalk in the front of the house. It was like a magnet. She was fighting the wobbles, but just couldn't help. And before we could even get any words out...Crash!!! Right into the side of our car. And here's the funny part, she just get up, picks up her bike, looks at the car, turns around, wobbles back on the bike, and then peddles off. You gotta love kids. What do you do in a moment like that. My car is scratched and banged up and the little girl just keeps right on going. Now I'm not one to ruin a little girls day, but I just about did. Oh well, I guess I will fight against the innocence of a child another day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Good Reminder

Hey All!
I just read this article this morning, What a good reminder for leaders and followers of Christ. Check it out...
What do you think?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Updates on the Medlins

Hey everyone!

I thought I would put together a list (my favorite) of what is new in the life of Jess and Jarred...Check it out.

  1. My mom and dad are coming to visit us all the way from Springfield, MO in about 5 days! I can't wait. My dad is one of my best friends.
  2. Jessica just finished her AEPA exam. AKA- Arizona State Math test for all math teachers. She felt really good about it. In my book, she's crazy, cause math is hard!
  3. Just finished our 1st Middle School Winter Camp. It was amazing! Grace was the theme and it was awesome to watch God use it for youth groups around Arizona.
  4. My friend Dan is in a rehab clinic in Prescott. For those of you who don't know his story, he fell 50 feet last summer onto a rock! And lived. He is getting professional help to deal with this situation and its effects. He is now in week 3 of what could be between a 3-7 month program.
  5. Jess and I just got amazing Sprint updates, which means we are now official Droid owners. Can't believe I have a phone that connects to the internet, tunes my guitar, has a GPS, holds the entire bible (in 25 versions), is equipped with Load Runner (an amazing game from my childhood), and has access to television. This just complicated my life.
  6. Our church, Prescott Christian, just raised over 6 thousand dollars in one weekend to send to Haiti. So thankful to be a part of a church that is taking care of the widows, orphans, and outcasts.
  7. I now have one 3 hour course left to complete before graduation in May! No words can explain this kind of releif.
  8. UCYC is in the midst of some exciting property possibilities....ask me later
  9. My dad says he has lost about 30 pounds over the last few months! I am so proud of him. God gave me an amazing dad. I know everyone doesn't have that, so I am incredibly thankful.
  10. I'm getting ready to begin writing cirriculum for summer 2010 at UCYC. Should be exciting. Check out updates on United Christian Youth Camp's facebook page.
  11. Younglife officially kicked off in Prescott last Monday. It was a great start, and we look forward to what God has in store in the upcoming months.

Well, I think that's about it for now. I will add to the list in a week or so. Have a great day!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Not of this World

I have randomly seen like 12 of these stickers on cars the last few days and I recently found out from Jess what they mean....Not of This World. Hmm..... I guess this is another corny phrase that some Christians are using these days. It got me thinking....How am I not of this world?

Well here's a list. Cause I live by lists! Don't believe me, just look in my office!
  • Jess and I gave away 3 boxes of donuts to high schoolers this morning at 7:30 am. And do this every Monday morning. Just something to get to know kids where they are and help brighten their Monday.
  • Jess and I went to a high school girls basketball game last week, and are going again tonight. We are doing this to get to know students on the team and support them. That's not of this world if you know what I'm saying :) It was fun though, and Prescott is really good. Go watch them!
  • I gave away 5 bucks to homeless guy last week, but I don't know if that counts. He had a crazy story though which was great to listen to.
  • Jess and I are supporting Haiti through our local church, PCC.
  • I sledded with summer staffers and little kids all afternoon last Friday. I dunno if that counts either, but it was fun.

Anyways, this is by no means a list of how good Jarred is. If anything it is disappointing to look at and think of how little I am actually doing. Guess I have a lot more to work on.

What have you done lately that is Not of this World?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ok, for starters, this picture cracks me up because I have no idea what they made these figures out of, but it is weird. It still get the point across though.

Over the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about balance. Balance for me individually in areas such as marriage, friends, Young Life, man-time, working out, and recreation. But even more specifically, I have been thinking about balancing my faith in God. Now let me explain, so you immediately write me off as an emergent spiritual crazy person...

I keep thinking about balance as I try to define my theology or stance on what it means to believe and have faith in God. And what I mean by balance is that I struggle taking sides. There are a lot of theologies out there that draw hard lines and take firm stands on some highly debated biblical truths. For instance, Calvinism opposed to Open Theism. Calvinists are on one end of the spectrum with the beliefs such as total depravity, unconditional election or predestination, limited atonement (Jesus died only for the elect), irresistible grace (you cannot resist God's call if he chooses you), and finally the highly used phrase "once saved always saved." The most infamous belief the Calvinist's stand by is centered around that God's will is central and you don't choose God, He chooses you. At the other end of the spectrum, or teeter totter, are Open Theists who basically believe that God knows every possibility that each person has in life, but He doesn't choose for us. In essence, God gives you a choice about everything.

Now here's my take on issues such as these. I am so tired of getting stuck in these conversations. In the middle of these conversations or debates, I just want to hold up my picture of the weird teeter totter and say, "hey, you guys are like a bunch of little kids playing on a teeter totter during recess." You are more concerned about playing the Jesus game and winning, then living out the Gospel of Jesus.

Here's what I think. If you like to take sides in your theology, then eventually you are going to get shot off the teeter totter. The theology that I like to think about has everything to do with balance. I'm tired of trying to choose sides, because I honestly believe that both sides (mentioned earlier) are both right and wrong. They each have holes, and they don't seem to make since in all circumstances. So when someone invents a theology of balance, then count me in, because that seems to be a lot more Jesus-centered than the divisiveness of theology today.

Anyways, I'm gonna shoot for some balance in my life this year. Me, Jess, and my friend Will Heck starting working out this morning, and I look forward to the balance of working out 3 days a week at the local YMCA. I'm also doing a lot of other things to balance things out in my life, so you can look forward to at least one new blog each week for the future. I apologize for not being consistent in the past.

Until next time,

ps...keep balancing