So for the last few weekends, we have had 4th-6th graders at UCYC for winter camp. I love little kids! They are full of energy, life, excitement, curiosity, and just fun. Here are my top 5 kid camper moments from the past 2 weeks...
1. Watching a little boy drag a man-sized US Army bag (which he refused to let me touch) through the slush, mud, and snow all the way to his cabin and across the clean floor which quickly turned to a mud stained path.
2. Watching 230 kids standing on chairs singing Owl City and Miley!
3. Listening to a little girl explain to me why her dad is the smartest man in Phoenix. I guess that rules out my father-in-law, who was my vote. Shucks...
4. Super-Gluing Lindsey's (a 9 year old from Chandler) glasses back together, which were again snapped in half after a intense game of Dragon Dodge-Ball.
5. And reading the prayers of about 10 campers, from their quiet time books. Makes it all worth-while!
Little kids crack me up. I chose the picture of the girl on the bike because about a week ago, Jess and I were standing outside the Tweed's (my in-laws) house just enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon, when along rode 2 young girls on their bikes. The sisters stopped by our driveway and to say hey. Here's what I love. The big sister explains to us that she is riding her little sister's bike because she likes little bikes. Then the little sisters tells us how much she loves riding big bikes, so she sometimes rides her big sister's. This was funny, but then they took off and the little sister was having the hardest time keeping such a big bike upright. She was wobbling back and fourth like crazy and she just couldn't seem to keep her bike going 1 direction. This was the funniest thing to watch until she slowly began to head right into our Honda Accord. It was like she was destined to hit our car, which was parked along the sidewalk in the front of the house. It was like a magnet. She was fighting the wobbles, but just couldn't help. And before we could even get any words out...Crash!!! Right into the side of our car. And here's the funny part, she just get up, picks up her bike, looks at the car, turns around, wobbles back on the bike, and then peddles off. You gotta love kids. What do you do in a moment like that. My car is scratched and banged up and the little girl just keeps right on going. Now I'm not one to ruin a little girls day, but I just about did. Oh well, I guess I will fight against the innocence of a child another day!
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