Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dan the Man

It's kind of crazy how God puts people in your life to bring you to where he needs you to be. For me, when I found out that Dan would be my first roommate, I thought it was the other way around. I thought that living with Dan was going to be great for him. Like I had something great to offer Dan. I hope it was great to an extent, but I really found out that it was probably more for me.

3 weeks ago I didn't know if I would ever be able to talk to Dan again. I didn't even know if he would make it through the night. If you don't know what really happened to Dan, then you would probably be surprised to hear that about 3 weeks ago Dan slipped off a rock face and fell approximately 50 feet onto a bed of rocks. Pretty crazy huh! Not even Dan the Man should have survived that one! I guess God had other plans in mind...

Through a series of events, Dan was rescued by a guy who heard cries for help. Instead of searching for Dan, he ran straight to the rangers station 1.5 miles away to get medical teams in route. The guy said that he had a gut feeling that this person crying for help was in bad shape and that he needed medical help if he was going to make it. Now he called it a "gut feeling" but a lot of us know that God stood beside Dan that Saturday afternoon. The doctors said that time was one of Dan's biggest opponents that day, and if things had gone any differently then Dan might not be here today.

After 3 weeks of questions, surgeries, tubes, treatments, and victories, Dan came back to us. Yesterday I visited Prescott Valley's rehab hospital and sat down to eat lunch with one of my best friends in the world. I can't describe what kind of feeling that was. I can't describe what kind of miracle God has done in Dan. I can't tell you why a guy who should be dead or in a bed for the rest of his life was walking around and making fun of me like nothing had ever changed. I can tell you that God isn't finished with Dan's chapter. And as if Dan didn't already have a story to tell, he now has more. Praise God! No more words for a story like this...just excitement about what is to come...


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