Weird how Christianity, at least for me, has always revolved around 2 Identities of God. God the father and Jesus. The 3rd part, however, has been put aside. The Holy Spirit isn't a popular topic to talk about in the American Church. I don't know if it just doesn't preach well with people or what, but it is rarely spoken of. Perhaps because of the label that is given with Christians who emphasize the Spirit like hyper-spiritualists of ultra charismatics. It seems as though most people are just afraid of the Holy Spirit because of the unknown. While churches across American preach every Sunday about God the Father and His son, Jesus, few are willing to venture into the less explained and experienced knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
If this is you right now, then I highly reccommend Francis Chan's latest book, Forgotten God. I have found it to be super challenging and a great reminder that Christ is alive in me. That it is to my advantage that Jesus died on the cross so that the Spirit could live in me. That the Spirit prays for me, convicts me, and leads me to repentance.
So the question is....What role does the Holy Spirit play in your life? Does it even have a role?
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