So I was driving home from some contact work at Young Life tonight, and I ran into a friend. He's quite a bit older than me, but I have gotten to know him a little over the past year. You know how most conversations go when you haven't seen someone you know in awhile? Usually like, "Hey, how's it going?" Well, by the time I got got the first of those words out of my mouth, he was already shaking his head. Life wasn't good. Actually, life sucked... The next 30 minutes or so was just a roller coaster ride of ups and downs (with a lot more downs). It was so hard to listen to. Here is a man over twice my age that has hit rock bottom. He had everything he wanted, and then life caught up with him. Addictions from his past slowly took over, and one by one, the pieces of his life fell apart. So what do you say to something like that? What does a 23 year old kid say in times like these? I really felt like I wasn't supposed to say much at all, besides..."I'm here for you if need me" and "here's my number" and "is there anything I can do for you right now?" Well, there wasn't anything I could do at that moment, but I wonder if it helped at all for us to share that conversation. I wonder if he understood that I wasn't there listening with fingers pointed. In fact, when he talked about addiction and temptation, all I could think about were 2 words. Me Too. If there is anything to walk away with for me in that conversation it's that I have no advantage on him. You see, he believes in Jesus and does his best to follow, but he fails a lot too. And it would be real easy to say that I can't relate, but it wouldn't be true. I may not drink too much, buy drugs on the street, or find myself awake in jail, but the chance is always there. Flatirons Community Church in Colorado puts it like this.."we are all 5 minutes from screwing up our lives." This phrase means nobody perfect, nobody's beyond temptation, and nobody has any guarantees (at least on this earth). All it takes is one weak moment, one bad decision, one wrong step, and I'm right next to my friend. You see, as Christians I wish we'd hear a lot more "Me too's" and see a lot less fingers pointed. Because we are all in the same boat here on earth. We have a one-way ticket away from God, and if it wasn't for Jesus, then we couldn't get off that boat. Flatirons likes to say that the most common phrase we will hear in heaven is "me too." Why? Because when I stand beside someone on that day, I will turn to him and ask, "How did you get here." And the response is the same for everyone. "Well I screwed up my life and went my own way for awhile, but Jesus cut me a really good deal." And then he will look back at me with the same question in his eyes, and I will respond, "Me too."
So I'm praying for my friend tonight and am so thankful for the reminder that I haven't arrived anywhere. I'm just thankful that Jesus arrived in my place and gave me a free ride. Not one that gives me permission to do what I want, but freedom to walk as he walked.
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