You gotta love basketball season! I don't know what it is about Arizona, but for some reason I think I am one of few who really enjoy basketball. Maybe Phoenix is a different story. After all, they do host the greatest point guard ever to play the game, Steve Nash.
This year has been a particularly awesome season because it marks my first opportunity to coach. It has always been a dream, but this year it became reality. While I am only assisting (a great program and head coach by the way), I look forward to the day I get my shot at the head position.
The team is definitely becoming a unit. Each day, we get a few steps faster, a little smarter, and find a new level of aggression on the court. Last Monday night, we learned a valuable lesson amidst a crazy game. Down by 3 with only 4 seconds left, our shooting guard took a long shot at the buzzer and banked it in (not to mention he got leveled in the process by the other team)! The only problem was that the official called the basket no good. The ball hadn't left his hands before the buzzer. What a major bummer for our team!!! I call this a valuable lesson, because moments like these build character for the next challenge. They mold you into a team that never gives in. A team that will do whatever it takes to win a game. Most people would call that defeat tragic. But I know that it will only fuel our boy's resolve into our next meeting with a tough opponent.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity, and I can't imagine my afternoon's without a bunch of crazy junior high boys. Who would of thought!?